Sunday, March 27, 2011


           I recommend this book, it was really good. The end is very interesting. But as for THIRST NO.2 things got really weird. First, Sita turns into a human again, and then ray comes back, but he died in book 1, so i;m not sure what happened there. Sita gets pregnant and gives birth a weird half vamp half something. The baby becomes 20 in about a week, and it is evil, she kills a bunch of innocent people and birds. (Don't ask.) Then one day Sita finds out that her friend is having a baby and the baby is actually a god. And Sita's daughter wants the baby so she can kill it. But in the end she just wants to save it, but she dies and Sita drinks her daughters blood because it was her daughters last wish. Then snake aliens come down in a mental space ship that only sita can see, and they try to steal the baby. But she becomes a spirit and destroys them. She is a vampire again at the end and every thing is fine, but then the third part of the book comes and things get really weird. These weird extraterrestrials come and get her and they want her blood, but then these other aliens come and they convince Sita that she needs to go back in time and kill and old enemy. She goes with them and kills the enemy, but when she goes back to earth she is tired of living her vampire life and she goes back in time to when Yaksha was born, and kills him. So that means she never becomes a vampire, and goes back to when she was living in India five-thousand years ago. So she was never a vampire, now she is just Sita a human.
           I think this book would have been better if it stayed on earth and it stayed sane But i actually really liked it. I recommend it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

THIRST NO.1 PART 2 (Black blood)

too bad

            Well, i spent a half an hour writing out this review but the my STUPID computer up and died on me, so you are just going to have to read the book to find out what happens in part two.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


            Luckily for me, this book has three parts. And each part is a separate book. I read part one today, and it was very good. It is about a girl named Sita, but she changes her name a lot and at the beginning of the book her name is Alisa Perne and at the end it is Lara Adems. She is over five thousand years old, and originally from india, but now is very pale and has blonde hair and blue eyes.
            In the beginning of the book she is at an investigators office. He asked her to come because someone by the name of Mr. Slim paid him to track her down. He wants to black-mail her and asks for a ransom of one million dollars for his silence. He knows that she is very rich, owns mansions and has huge bank accounts. She kills him, of course as she has done many times. But when she tries to open up his computer file, she needs a password. So she tracks down his son, who lives in the same town as her and attends high school. She figures he must know the password. She needs to open the file on his computer so she can find whoever is tracking her and kill them. Then she has to delete the file so the police don't find her. She enrolls in the investigators son's school, the sons name is Ray. She figures that if she can somehow bring him back to her house she can convince him to give her the pass code. She ends up at the office with him and then pretends to hear something outside. When he goes out to check, she downloads her file onto flash drives.
           Later at her house she discovers who mister slim is and arranges to meet him at the peer. He then kidnaps her, but she manages to escape and discover who Mr. Slim was working for. And she knows who it is. When Sita was born in india, she witnessed a demon talking over her dead best friends body. Her best friends was pregnant at the time and the demon took over the dead baby. As the demon baby grew up, Sita realized that it was not normal. Finally when Sita was married and had a child of her own, the demon came after her, and threatened to kill her husband and daughter if she did not let him turn her. Into what was later called a vampire.
           She lived with him for many years until, The demon called Yaksha decided to duel with Krishna, and Krishna won the duel and Sita left him.
           Anyways, Mr. Slims boss is Yaksha and he wants to hunt her down, because he is tired of living and wants to die, but he will not have Krishna's grace if he dose not kill all of the vampires her made before he dies. And Sita is the last vampire beside him. He finds her and then causes Ray to fall out of a window, and the only way that Ray can live is if she turns him into a vampire too, and she dose. So the next day Sita convinces Yaksha that they can all die together, but it is a trick so that only Yaksha will die and she and Ray will live. But then Yaksha remembers that Krishna said that when there is love there is his grace, and Sita loves Ray, And Yaksha loves Sita, sooooo...... he will die with Krishna's grace anyway, and he lets Ray and Sita escape, but while Ray and Sita are escaping, the house blows up, killing Yaksha, and sending a stake right through Sita heart!

           Ray pulls out the stake, but that is the end of PART ONE! What will happen next?


            I do apologize, i am now reading a very large book, ( 600 pages! )so it might be a few days till my next post, thanks! Love and Rabbits!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


            This book is also by Amanda Marrone, who wrote Slayed. So as you can tell by expectations were not too high. This book turned out to be pretty good. It is about a girl named Jules, who is a witch. Now before you get all stereotypical, no wait... it was pretty generic, but still no judgment yet.
            Jules has a secret night life where she goes out with her other witch palls and kills vampires, demons, werewolf's, ghosts and all other manner of night creatures. She has been doing this since she was thirteen and is now used to it. She thinks every thing is pretty much normal, except then, her friends start turning seventeen. When a witch is seventeen, they are welcomed into the inner circle of the witch coven, and the parents (mostly moms) tell them all the darkest secrets of there coven, or whatever. Slowly as her friends all turn 17, they FREAK-OUT. But nine of them can tell Jules what is really going on. Jules knows that something is not right, so she digs deeper and tries to get info out of her friends.
             She gets nothing, but then her best friend Dani turns 17 and she has a mental break -down. Dani is very depressed and when Jules tries to figure out what is wrong, Dani can't tell her because her mother put a spell on her so that she couldn't say anything.
            The next day, Jules and Dani go out to catch some ghosts and they are attacked by vampires. Jules passes out and when she wakes up Dani is gone. Every one assumes that the vampires killed her, but then Dani pays a surprise visit  Jules, and now Dani is a vampire. And when Dani turned, the spell that her mother cast on her lifted and Dani spills it all to Jules.
           As it turns out, what the mothers said about vampires, and ghosts and stuff were all wrong. And Monsters aren't all that bad. Then Dani tells her about the pact that there mothers made with demons. The witches made a pact that in return for the monsters they killed, the demons gave them money. But there was a catch, the demons owned the mothers souls until they had a baby, which then made the demons own the babies souls and not the mothers.
           So Jules tells the other girls and they all decide to take there souls back. They kick out the leader of the witches and make a new deal with the demons. They get there souls back, not Dani though because she is dead or whatever. The end. I would rate this book about a five, not good or bad.

Monday, March 14, 2011


            Not me, of corse, that is the title of the book. This book is about a girl named Daelyn Rice. So far, she has attempted suicide three times. She cut her wrists twice and drank ammonia and bleach the last time, damaging her esophagus and vocal cords. She wants to try again, and this time she means it. She finds a sight called www.through/the/ A website for people who are determined on dyeing. She blogs about past bullying. When she was younger she was very obese and people teased her all the time. She was verbally and physically abused by class mates and never had any friends or boyfriends.
            On the day that she starts her countdown to suicide, 23 days to go, she meets a boy named Santana. She wants nothing to do with him, since she tries to ignore people and can't talk anyway. He is dyeing of cancer. He is nice and funny, but she can not make any friends. He meets her on a bench every day after school while she waits for her parents to pick her up. As her days countdown, she can't help but wondering. She researches different ways to die, electrocution, shooting yourself, exploding, catching fire, starvation, suffocation, ect... finally she decides on drowning herself in the bathtub.
          She faces a problem. She actually sort of likes Santana. But she will not allow herself to be in close to anyone, in the fear that it would get in her way. Finally she lets him in, she going to die anyway so what the heck. She still doesn't talk to him, she can't. But she is okay with him
          She planes her death carefully. She knows how, she will leave school during the middle of the day, she will go home then drown herself in the bathtub by placing a cinder block on her head. She wants to be cremated, but she doesn't want to leave a note, that would be to personal, so she writes something like this.


      _ Mother
      _ Father
      _ Other

There was nothing you could do to stop me because:

      _ I'd already made up my mind
      _ I have been suffering my whole life
      _ You were too slow to notice

I offed myself because

       _ My life sucks
       _ You suck
       _ You suck


             In the end, i really don't want to spoil it but you probably had your hopes up that she would want to continue living just because of Santana, and she would live happily ever after or whatever. I hate to disappoint but she actually does commit suicide in the end. She drowns in a bathtub.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


           i recently  went on a trip to Chicago, and on the way back i read Alice in Wonderland on a friends ipod touch. For those of you who have seen the movies, i will tell you that they are both wrong. This because, the book makes no sense at all.
           In  the beginning, Alice is sitting with her sister outside, when she see's a white rabbit in a waste coat with a pocket watch race past her, muttering to itself. She fallows it and falls down a rather peculiar rabbit hole, with shelves filled with orange marmalade and maps and such. She lands in a room with doors all around, put all of them are locked. She see's a glass table with a key on it. The key doesn't fit any doors, Until she finds a curtain with a very small door behind it. She is not tall enough to go through the door so she goes back to the table and finds a bottle labeled DRINK ME. Of coarse she drinks it and she grows smaller. Now she can fit threw the door, but she left the key on the table and now she can't reach it.
          Then she finds a glass box on the ground with a small cake labeled EAT ME. So she eats it a grows tall enough to reach the key. But now she is back were she started and can't fit threw the door.
          She starts to cry and back a pool on the floor. She finds a fan and starts fanning herself with it. The fan makes her grow smaller and she falls into her pool of tears. She meets a mouse in the pool and once they are to shore, she meets quite a number of creatures. They have a race, to dry of.
          In the book, lots of strange things happen, she meets a Cheshire cat that can disappear, a mad hatter, a hair, a door mouse. She plays crochet with the queen of hearts with flamingoes as mallets and hedgehogs as the crochet balls. She is accused of stealing the Queen of hearts tarts. She meets a Duchess with a baby that turns into a pig. And she meets the mock turtle, who used to be a real turtle but isn't anymore, that sings. She meets a large blue caterpillar that smokes.
        The book is chalk-full of puns and poems. My absolute favorite part of the book is when the mock turtle sings the Lobster Quadrille. Here it is...


"Will you walk a little faster?", said the whiting to the snail
"There's a porpoise close behind us and he's treading on my tail"
see how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance
they are waiting on a shingle, won't you come and join the dance?

will you, won't you, will you, won't you
will you join the dance?
will you, won't you, will you, won't you
won't you join the dance?

You can really have no notion how delightful it will be
When they take us up and throw us with the lobsters out to sea
But the snail replied, "Too far, too far", and gave a look askance
Said he thanked the whiting kindly but he would not join the dance

Would not, could not, would not, could not
Would not join the dance
Would not, could not, would not, could not
Would not join the dance

"What matters it how far we go?", his scaly friends replied
"There is another shore you know upon the other side"
The further off from England, the nearer is to France
Then turn not pale, beloved snail but come and join the dance

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you
Will you come and join the dance?
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you
won't you come and join the dance?

           I also like it when the Cheshire cat says "Were all mad here." and when Alice says, "I wish i could shut up like a telescope! I think i could if i only new how to begin." and "It would be nice if things made sense for a change."
          I recommend this book to everyone and also the second one ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. Both are highly imaginative. curiouser and curiouser.


            This was a really good book, and it was not about supernatural being's of any kind. It is called Bittersweet by Drew Lamm.  It is about a girl named Taylor Rose. She is usually an artist, but ever since her grandma was put in a nursing home after a stroke, Taylor doesn't really feel like drawing. She loved 'Gramms', who lived life to the fullest and was always doing crazy things. Now her grandma just sits around and stares out the window, talking to people who aren't there. Taylor starts not caring. The only thing that she can paint are muddy puddles of color.
          Her best friend Ebbie goes away for the summer to her grandmothers house in canada and leaves her stuck. The only person she has to talk to are her dad, who is to wrapped up in his own world to even think about her, and Bears, a long-time child hood friend that she used to be really close to. Then theres Mike, who has been forever asking her out , but she never takes him seriously. After he is hired by her dad to work on the porch, she tries to get to know him better. During the summer, as her grandma dives farther away from reality, Taylor gets to know Mike better. And she rekindles her relationship with Bears. She is still trying to draw, but can't think of anything.
         On day she meets Mr, Mathews, a friend of Gramms. He shows her that she should try to remember Gramms like she was, not how she is, because it really isn't her any more. Taylor starts talking to her dad, and he actually understands how she feels. They by groceries for the first time in forever, and Taylor almost feels like she has her drawing back. Then she runs into Bears in a closet at the nursing home, kissing some one. And she doesn't trust him any more. She goes to Mike instead. She wants to get her drawing back so he offers to pose for her. He asks her how models usually pose, and since she wants to throw him for a loop, she says "Nude."
          Somehow he ends up posing naked and things take a turn for the worst and her starts kissing her. She gets away and tells him to leave her alone. She forgives Bears and draws a mural on his driveway in the middle of the night that says "i'm sorry." She is so happy to have her drawing back. In the morning it starts to rain and he see's it before it washes away. Taylor is outside washing her hair in the rain, and he coms over to say that he's sorry too, blah blah blah, then they kiss.
           She is so happy she wants to tell grams about it, so when it stops raining she heads over to the nursing home. On her way there she meets her old friend Mindy, who tells her that grams died. Taylor remembers when her mother died and she and Gramms went up to the hill and celebrated her life. So Taylor goes up to the hill and Celebrates Gramms life. She feels that that is what her Gramms would have wanted.
            I highly recommend this book. It is so quirky and it is filled up with poems and stuff. It makes it really fun to read.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


            This book was okay. It was about a girl named Kia. She is goth and she cuts herself. Her mother is dying of cancer. She lives with her father, who ignores her. She has two friends named Carol and Aaron. Then she meets Hectate. A goth girl who is into the underground vampire scene. ( i apologize for all the vampire novels. I will find a new genre) Hectate brings Kia to a party, wear she meets Damon. He is very hot. Then he notices her and they start going out. He is pail. Animals flee when they see him. He has chiseled features. He only comes out at night and has an aversion to sun. Kia suspects that he is a vampire.
            As she delves deeper into the underground goth scene she becomes more distant from her friends. Her mothers cancer gets worse and she slips up twice and cuts again. Carol and Aaron don't understand. She starts working and Nighttimes, A gloomy punk clothing store with Hectate. Kia goes to parties and stops going to school. The parties get wilder. People dress up as vampires, teeth, contacts, and all. They perform wild rituals that harm people. Kia is not sure she likes it, but she keeps going because of Damon.
           All of a sudden, Kia's mother is moved from the hospital to a more permanent home. For people who aren't going to get better. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, Kia contacts Damon. He invites her into his house. She confronts him and tells him she knows he's a vamp. She wants him to turn her mother into a vampire, so she doesn't have to die. He refuses. So she settles for him turning her into a vampire. He still refuses. She wants to temp him into making her into a vampire. So she hides in his bathroom and cuts her arms to ribbons. Then she comes out and confronts him.
          He freaks out. He isn't really a vampire, there are no such thing. He calls her a freak, then calls 911. Her dad finds out that she cuts herself and puts her in therapy. She quits going to clubs and calls Carol. With Carols help she figures everything out and everything is going to be okay. She invites Hectate and her friend Virgle. They go dancing at a regular place and she finally deals like she fits in.
          It was an okay book. On a scale i would rate it about an eight and a half. I am getting sick of vampires so my next post will probably be on a lighter subject.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


            The book i read was Slayed, by Amanda Marrone. I have read another book by her called Devoured. On a scale from one to ten Devoured was about a five, so i didn't have that high of an expectation. But as it turns out it was a okay book. I would rate it about a seven point five.
           The book is about a girl named, get this, Daphne Van Helsing. I know. That was a SUPER lame movie by the way. i wouldn't recomend it. Anyways, Daphne travels around the country slaying vamps with her mother and father. She has never gone to school and was home schooled. She has never had a real friend. Just imagined ones that she draws in her binder. If she could she would just get up and walk away from all the vampire killing. When her family gets a job in Main, and it's seems like the usual. But then another family shows up. The Harkers. The two families are competing for a job. Then one night when Daphne goes to scope out a bar for possible vamps she meets Kiki. A former child star who got kicked of the show by her own parents. She see's Daphne drive a stake into a vampires heart and she wants to be a slayer too. Daphne agrees to train her in all things vampire and they become instant friends. Kiki keeps trying to get Daphne to go out on a date with Tyler Harker, Mr. Harkers son. Daphne's parents don't want her even talking with him since they are competing against each other for slays.
           After some mysterious events, like baby's getting sick and Daphne, Tyler and Kiki witnessing demons called the lamia fly through the air, They decide that its best to stick together. They delve deeper into the demon mystery and find out that the demon Lilith is trying to escape from hell. Conveniently, the cave that holds the entrance to hell is just across the river from Kiki's house. They travel across the river to the cave and call some angles to come and help them banish Lilith back to hell. Lilith is banished back and they escape the cave. Later in the epilogue, Kiki convinces Daphne's parents to let Daphne come move to new york with her since she is loaded from all the money her parents make. They reluctantly agree and they all live happily ever after.
           The book, in truth, was not bad. It was a little girly for my taste. And i am still sick of vampires. At least there was only romance between humans and not humans and vampires. That would be a little to much.