Saturday, March 5, 2011


            This book was okay. It was about a girl named Kia. She is goth and she cuts herself. Her mother is dying of cancer. She lives with her father, who ignores her. She has two friends named Carol and Aaron. Then she meets Hectate. A goth girl who is into the underground vampire scene. ( i apologize for all the vampire novels. I will find a new genre) Hectate brings Kia to a party, wear she meets Damon. He is very hot. Then he notices her and they start going out. He is pail. Animals flee when they see him. He has chiseled features. He only comes out at night and has an aversion to sun. Kia suspects that he is a vampire.
            As she delves deeper into the underground goth scene she becomes more distant from her friends. Her mothers cancer gets worse and she slips up twice and cuts again. Carol and Aaron don't understand. She starts working and Nighttimes, A gloomy punk clothing store with Hectate. Kia goes to parties and stops going to school. The parties get wilder. People dress up as vampires, teeth, contacts, and all. They perform wild rituals that harm people. Kia is not sure she likes it, but she keeps going because of Damon.
           All of a sudden, Kia's mother is moved from the hospital to a more permanent home. For people who aren't going to get better. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, Kia contacts Damon. He invites her into his house. She confronts him and tells him she knows he's a vamp. She wants him to turn her mother into a vampire, so she doesn't have to die. He refuses. So she settles for him turning her into a vampire. He still refuses. She wants to temp him into making her into a vampire. So she hides in his bathroom and cuts her arms to ribbons. Then she comes out and confronts him.
          He freaks out. He isn't really a vampire, there are no such thing. He calls her a freak, then calls 911. Her dad finds out that she cuts herself and puts her in therapy. She quits going to clubs and calls Carol. With Carols help she figures everything out and everything is going to be okay. She invites Hectate and her friend Virgle. They go dancing at a regular place and she finally deals like she fits in.
          It was an okay book. On a scale i would rate it about an eight and a half. I am getting sick of vampires so my next post will probably be on a lighter subject.

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