Monday, March 14, 2011


            Not me, of corse, that is the title of the book. This book is about a girl named Daelyn Rice. So far, she has attempted suicide three times. She cut her wrists twice and drank ammonia and bleach the last time, damaging her esophagus and vocal cords. She wants to try again, and this time she means it. She finds a sight called www.through/the/ A website for people who are determined on dyeing. She blogs about past bullying. When she was younger she was very obese and people teased her all the time. She was verbally and physically abused by class mates and never had any friends or boyfriends.
            On the day that she starts her countdown to suicide, 23 days to go, she meets a boy named Santana. She wants nothing to do with him, since she tries to ignore people and can't talk anyway. He is dyeing of cancer. He is nice and funny, but she can not make any friends. He meets her on a bench every day after school while she waits for her parents to pick her up. As her days countdown, she can't help but wondering. She researches different ways to die, electrocution, shooting yourself, exploding, catching fire, starvation, suffocation, ect... finally she decides on drowning herself in the bathtub.
          She faces a problem. She actually sort of likes Santana. But she will not allow herself to be in close to anyone, in the fear that it would get in her way. Finally she lets him in, she going to die anyway so what the heck. She still doesn't talk to him, she can't. But she is okay with him
          She planes her death carefully. She knows how, she will leave school during the middle of the day, she will go home then drown herself in the bathtub by placing a cinder block on her head. She wants to be cremated, but she doesn't want to leave a note, that would be to personal, so she writes something like this.


      _ Mother
      _ Father
      _ Other

There was nothing you could do to stop me because:

      _ I'd already made up my mind
      _ I have been suffering my whole life
      _ You were too slow to notice

I offed myself because

       _ My life sucks
       _ You suck
       _ You suck


             In the end, i really don't want to spoil it but you probably had your hopes up that she would want to continue living just because of Santana, and she would live happily ever after or whatever. I hate to disappoint but she actually does commit suicide in the end. She drowns in a bathtub.

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