Saturday, March 12, 2011


           i recently  went on a trip to Chicago, and on the way back i read Alice in Wonderland on a friends ipod touch. For those of you who have seen the movies, i will tell you that they are both wrong. This because, the book makes no sense at all.
           In  the beginning, Alice is sitting with her sister outside, when she see's a white rabbit in a waste coat with a pocket watch race past her, muttering to itself. She fallows it and falls down a rather peculiar rabbit hole, with shelves filled with orange marmalade and maps and such. She lands in a room with doors all around, put all of them are locked. She see's a glass table with a key on it. The key doesn't fit any doors, Until she finds a curtain with a very small door behind it. She is not tall enough to go through the door so she goes back to the table and finds a bottle labeled DRINK ME. Of coarse she drinks it and she grows smaller. Now she can fit threw the door, but she left the key on the table and now she can't reach it.
          Then she finds a glass box on the ground with a small cake labeled EAT ME. So she eats it a grows tall enough to reach the key. But now she is back were she started and can't fit threw the door.
          She starts to cry and back a pool on the floor. She finds a fan and starts fanning herself with it. The fan makes her grow smaller and she falls into her pool of tears. She meets a mouse in the pool and once they are to shore, she meets quite a number of creatures. They have a race, to dry of.
          In the book, lots of strange things happen, she meets a Cheshire cat that can disappear, a mad hatter, a hair, a door mouse. She plays crochet with the queen of hearts with flamingoes as mallets and hedgehogs as the crochet balls. She is accused of stealing the Queen of hearts tarts. She meets a Duchess with a baby that turns into a pig. And she meets the mock turtle, who used to be a real turtle but isn't anymore, that sings. She meets a large blue caterpillar that smokes.
        The book is chalk-full of puns and poems. My absolute favorite part of the book is when the mock turtle sings the Lobster Quadrille. Here it is...


"Will you walk a little faster?", said the whiting to the snail
"There's a porpoise close behind us and he's treading on my tail"
see how eagerly the lobsters and the turtles all advance
they are waiting on a shingle, won't you come and join the dance?

will you, won't you, will you, won't you
will you join the dance?
will you, won't you, will you, won't you
won't you join the dance?

You can really have no notion how delightful it will be
When they take us up and throw us with the lobsters out to sea
But the snail replied, "Too far, too far", and gave a look askance
Said he thanked the whiting kindly but he would not join the dance

Would not, could not, would not, could not
Would not join the dance
Would not, could not, would not, could not
Would not join the dance

"What matters it how far we go?", his scaly friends replied
"There is another shore you know upon the other side"
The further off from England, the nearer is to France
Then turn not pale, beloved snail but come and join the dance

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you
Will you come and join the dance?
Will you, won't you, will you, won't you
won't you come and join the dance?

           I also like it when the Cheshire cat says "Were all mad here." and when Alice says, "I wish i could shut up like a telescope! I think i could if i only new how to begin." and "It would be nice if things made sense for a change."
          I recommend this book to everyone and also the second one ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. Both are highly imaginative. curiouser and curiouser.

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