Thursday, June 23, 2011


           Sorry that i have not posted in a while. I will draw things then forget that i drew them. Or i'll read a book and forget that i read it, Recently i have read a bunch a Anime books. Like Kimmie66, which was excellent. So anyways i got a new sketch book this weekend and i also cut up a ton of magazines. Mostly all the pictures are from the magazine hi-fructose. It is a really good art magazine. I just cut out the pictures i liked and glued them together. Also some of them are from the runway magazine. I hope you like them.

Knowing who you are


"Hope" is a thing with feathers-
That perches in the soul-
And sings the tune without the words-
And never stops-at-all-

And sweetest-in the gale-is heard-
And sore must be the storm-
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm-

I'v heard it in the chilliest land-
And on the strangest sea-
Yet, never, in extreamety
It asked a crumb-of-me.

Also this other poem

Twilight whippoorwill...
Whistle on,
sweet deepener
Of dark loneliness

runway models that look like birds

they look like flamongoes


o love slow lorus's

You wont know how far you can fly, until you spread your wings

bears are my favorite animals

this is russian for 'dirty bears'
i used google translator though so it might not be so accurate...

i sewed the sides of the page. It os actually pretty fun.
There was also another one but my camera is stupid and takes stupid pictures. Then it will delete them with asking me first so i am kind of annoyed. Have a fun summer!

                                   Love and bears!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well... this will be a long post. Mostly because i have not posted for two weeks. And also possibly because i tend to take a lot of pictures. This first one is a pizza box cardboard thingy. It is much like the other one except i cut out circles that got gradually smaller until they looked sort of like a dart board. The phrase on it is 'if its popsicle its possible'. My sister wanted me to put that on there because it was a really hot day out. As you can see i got a tad carried away with the glitter and stars...

A cat has nine lives. That blue thing is a Arctic walrus with arms ears and can stand. Or at least it kind of reminds me of one. It might just be Dr. Suese character... i am not quite sure. 

 Large card board thingy again. This is similar to the other card board thing i made two posts ago. I made this one for my friend Jenna. 

you can grow flowers from were dirt used to be.

 And lastly... i would like to present my AWSOME fox pillow. It is awesome mostly because all things relating to foxes just tend to be. But also because i made it. I am super proud of it. I used my old t-shirts that i didn't want anymore. I cut out all of the pieces, then sewed them all together. The back has a tail. But my camera is about ten-thousand years old and is very stupid. I realize that it might not exactly resemble a fox, but it is close enough so just go with it.

cue dramatic music. This eye is just kind of scary.
love and foxes also monsters! <3 

Monday, May 30, 2011


           So i made a really cool crown today. At least i think its cool, to be truthful it looks kind of pitiful and lame... but rightfully so since it is made out of really tall crab grass, three dandelions, and strips of black duck tape. I made it by braiding three pieces of the really long crab grass together, i made three of those and then braided those together. Then i taped the two ends together and it made it into a circle. Then i used other pieces of crab grass and made them into those spiky things that you usually see on crowns. I also taped those on. After that all i did was tape three dandelions onto the front. It took me about ten minutes. Also i like the word crab grass in general because i like crabs, and i also like how grass smells. Dandelions are cool too since their my favorite plant that is a weed.
this is a top view of it...

this is what it looks like from the front...

and this is me wearing it, but you can't see it all that much...

Sunday, May 29, 2011


            First i must apologias (i don't think  spelled that right) to my oh-so-few followers. I have been Uber busy. And i have read a few books, but i didn't really want to post them since i was feeling lazy. So here are some cool recycled artsy things i did. The first thing are circles cut out of magazines. I wrote all of my favorite phrases on them... Like 'seize the day!' 'be unique' 'sometimes its the things that you don't see that make the world the way it is'. I like the last one the best since i made it up.

it looks better in real life, i just have a super crappy camera
be unique and yourself
chiseled features don't hurt either

I'm watching you
look on the bright side

Also i would like to point out that
i hate my computer because it is
really stupid. Just keep that
in mind when you read this.

the whole thing. I like it a lot.

we do not have time for this silliness!
           yeah..... so also i made a cool magazine makeup thing for my bathroom window. Also, i used Modge Podge, with is much better than glue. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


            These were two very good books. They are the first to books in the skinjacker trilogy. The first one, Everlost. Is about a fourteen year old girl named Allie. And a boy named Nick. They die in the same care accident. But before they can get to the light, they bump into each-other and get stuck in a sort of in-between called Everlost. They are dead for sure, But They are not quite ready to go to the light yet. They sleep for nine months in ever lost and then wake up in a forest. This forest is called a dead spot. A dead spot can be many things. It can be a small spot were somebody dies. It can be a land mark or a building that was loved by humans so much that it didn't really die, it just past on to Everlost. It also can be something that falls through a sunspot, which is sort of like a vortex and things just sort of fall through them. The rest of the ground is just sort of soft, like tar. And you can't stand in one spot for too long or else you sink down to the center of the earth. Everlost is not an entirely separate world. It is just over lapped over the the world. So everlights (the dead residents of Ever lost) can still see every one, But they go right through them, and all buildings that have crossed into Everlost. 
     So Alli and Nick wake up in the forest after nine months, and they meet Leaf. He is also a child. In fact all the people in everlost are children, Allie decides to go back home and see what happened to her family. Nick doesn't know what to do, so he just fallows Allie. Leaf comes with them just to make sure that they are all rite.They run into a group of afterlights.
    These afterlights are all slightly off. because the longer you stay in everlost the more you forget who you are, and you can change. The leader, Jhonny-o has really huge hands. So they are captred, but then they get released. Soon they make there way to New York, were they find Miss Mary Hightower, self proclaimed queen of everlast. She is only fifteen. She takes care of many children and helps them find there "niches". Which is were a afterlight finds a pattern of living. And they do the same things day after day. Mary believes that this is rite. And she thinks that all the children are saved that come to everlost. And that going into the light is a bad thing. All the children in her care do the same thing day after day, that is until Allie, Nick and Laef come. Mary's perfect little world is      
shattered. So mary decides to send Allie, Nick, and Laef after "The Haunter." "the Haunter is a Afterlight that can alter the physical world. He can pick up things in the real world. When they get there, he tests them. they have to pic up a stone from the real world. Nick and Laef fail, so he locks them inside pickle barrels. But Allie can pick up the stone. She can also "Skinjack" people. Which means that she can posses people. She leaves the haunter and tries to find people to help save her friends. 
     So she goes and finds Jhonny-O and his gang, and they go back to find that haunter. Only to find him missing, along with the pickle barrels. They find out that the Mcgill stole them. so Allie sets of to find the Mcgill. she leaves the gang behind, and they nick-name her Allie the outcast. She finds the Mcgills ship. And tricks him into going to a place were he was defeted. And she also tricks him into letting Nick and Laef go. They go get mary's help. She comes and defeats the McGill. He returns to being a normal human, and runs away with Allie to find out how to be human again. 
      Nick and laef go with Mary. But then they find a bucket of coins that, when you hold them, if your ready you go to the light. So Nick gives all the kids coins. And then Mary finds out. she thinks that going to the light is bad. She wants every one to stay in Everlost forever.!

there are two other books in the trilogy.
Also some other good books are...
.Evermore (and all it's sequels.)

Yeah well, my computer is stupid so ignore the big void in the middle of the page...
Love and monsters! <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011


            Here is another monster... It is Black Rabbit. I like the geometric shapes. Don't mind my calender in the background.
                                                       black rabbit.
                                                        ehe, i'm such a creeper. ;)
love and monsters! <3


            The books i read were. unwind, and dread locks. The first one was even a little too creepy for my taste. I don't even think i'll write a review about it. I will tell a bit about the gist of it. It was about juveniles being taken to 'harvest' camps. Were they were picked apart and dissected for there body parts, while fully conscious. Then there organs are given to people who need limbs. I highly recommend this book. But just to warn you, it is creepy. 
             The next book is by the same author, Neal Shusterman. It is a weird mix of a book. It is sort of a hybrid of medusa meets goldilocks. This was also a sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr weird book. i don't think i'm going to do a review on account of its weirdness. But i will tell you the end of the book. Which ends with medusa/goldilocks turning to stone in the middle of a field surrounded by oil wells painted to look like praying mantises and one that looks like a dragon. I know. Plus she makes people want to drink gallons of milk and eat dirt and clay.
love and monsters! <3

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


            WEll... i was feeling a little creepy the other day. So i decided to draw some monsters. I was inspired my MYMO'S work at Its really cool so check it out. Any way here are my monsters. Hope you enjoy them.
                                  DREAM BEAR
                                                     NIGHT BEAST
                                                      CITY MONSTER

I like there names. ;)
love and monsters! <3

Thursday, April 21, 2011


            This was a rrrrreeeeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy good book. It is about a girl named Mia, who has  synesthesia. It is were, when you hear a word, or see a letter, or a number, or a sound, you see colors. They can have texture and can bee in shapes too. But se doesn't know that she has it. She just thinks that she is crazy. She has never told anyone about it. Except maybe her cat mango. When mango purrs, or wheezes, it is always some shade of yellow-orange.
       So, she tells her parents, and they bring her to all sorts of doctors. Finally one of them recognizes what she has as synesthesia. He tells her all about it. She goes on a web-site for people who have it. On it she meets Adam. He has it too. Then she is offered to go to a meeting for people who have synesthesia. She goes to the first part, at meets Adam, and kisses him.
      Then the unthinkable happens. Mango dies. Mia is devastated. Her colors disappear. The world looks bland and colorless. She won't even talk to her best friend Jenny. 
       Finally she realizes that Mango would have wanted her to be happy. Plus, she realizes that Adam is kind of a jerk. So she starts hanging out with Richard. They are a perfect match...
      He is color blind. ;)
It was really good.
Also, i attempted to draw some of my favorite sounds.... i don't know if it worked out that well...
love and rabbits! <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


            I read the book sprout. Sprout is a boy who lives in the-middle-of-no-were Kansas. He moved there four years ago, when his mom died of cancer. His dad is an alcoholic. He's isn't mean to Sprout, but he isn't the best father either. Sprout is gay, but he hasn't come out at his school. Still every one knows. He dies his hair green, hence the nick-name Sprout. HIs real name is Daniel. 
            HIs best friend is Ruthie Wilcox. She helps him write stories and dyes his hair. THen in eleventh grade, they don't get any classes together. A new kid comes to school, his name is Ty. At first, they are just friends. Ty doesn't really show who he really is, but his father beats him, and his twin brother committed suicide. Sprout tries to get closer to him. He like Ty. But Ty is not willing to share anything. Finally, after they are chased by a dog into a tree, they decide to go out. It works for a while. Then Ruthie finds them in the janitors closet, kissing. 
             She doesn't mind, but Ty dose and he disappears. No oner can find him. And Sprout has to go to a state essay writing contest. First he can't decide what to write about. Ty? His mother? That he's gay? Finally he decides that, he is going to write about himself, and what it is to be him.

i really like this book. 
love and rabbits! <3

Saturday, April 16, 2011


            Well! i read three books recently. The first one was called. Emily the strange, the lost days. It was about a girl who woke up with amnesia and couldn't remember anything. She was in a town called Blackrock, but nobody new her. A lot of strange things kept happening to her. Then she got Amnesia again and couldn't remember anything. Even stranger things happen to her. Blah blah blah... the end. it was a really good book.

     the second book a read was called Cloaked in Red. It was eight different stories about little red riding hood. It was okay. Plus little red riding hood is my favorite fairy tale so yeah.... But my favorite book about little red riding hood is called The Sisters Red. I highly recommend that book.

     Any  ways the book i really wanted to write about is called intertwined. I LOVED IT!!!!! It is about a boy named Aden Stone. Every one thinks that he is schizophrenic, so he has been shuffled from one mental institution to the next. But actually he has four souls trapped inside his head. One can time travel, one can raise the dead, one can tell the future, and one can posses other peoples bodies. He has never been able to be himself. He has always had four souls talking inside his head. Then he moves to the D and M Ranch. He meets Marie Anne. His polar opposite. She makes the voices go away. He loves her, but like a sister. Its the same for her. Then He meets a vampire princess, and she meets a werewolf. They are introduced to all manor of creatures. Like witches, goblins, faeries, and all sorts of other things. Aden falls in love with the vampire princess, who's name is Victoria. And Marie Anne falls in love with Riley, the werewolf. They all become friends. But all the other creatures, especially the witches, want aden for there own. To drain his power and use it. Plus, on top of that, one of the souls has predicted Aden's  death. And its coming soon. will Aden be able to fend off the monsters, evade his death, and help set the souls free, while keeping his friends safe? You'll just have to read the book. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLUS THERE IS  SEQUELS AND A SPIN OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love and rabbits ! <3

Friday, April 15, 2011


            i just finished reading two books so i will be posting reviews of those soon!
love and rabbits <3

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


            OKAY well not the whole thing. But close enough. Although allot of pages have been ripped out.
 the bottom of this one says think positive.
 this is just a weird alternate reality
 this is just a face
 this one is little red riding hood inspired. Exept instead of a wolf there are foxs
 this is just a sailor girl.
 not quite sure what this is.
 the cabinet of lost things.
 color outside the lines
checkered animals.
love and rabbits.<3