Tuesday, May 10, 2011


            These were two very good books. They are the first to books in the skinjacker trilogy. The first one, Everlost. Is about a fourteen year old girl named Allie. And a boy named Nick. They die in the same care accident. But before they can get to the light, they bump into each-other and get stuck in a sort of in-between called Everlost. They are dead for sure, But They are not quite ready to go to the light yet. They sleep for nine months in ever lost and then wake up in a forest. This forest is called a dead spot. A dead spot can be many things. It can be a small spot were somebody dies. It can be a land mark or a building that was loved by humans so much that it didn't really die, it just past on to Everlost. It also can be something that falls through a sunspot, which is sort of like a vortex and things just sort of fall through them. The rest of the ground is just sort of soft, like tar. And you can't stand in one spot for too long or else you sink down to the center of the earth. Everlost is not an entirely separate world. It is just over lapped over the the world. So everlights (the dead residents of Ever lost) can still see every one, But they go right through them, and all buildings that have crossed into Everlost. 
     So Alli and Nick wake up in the forest after nine months, and they meet Leaf. He is also a child. In fact all the people in everlost are children, Allie decides to go back home and see what happened to her family. Nick doesn't know what to do, so he just fallows Allie. Leaf comes with them just to make sure that they are all rite.They run into a group of afterlights.
    These afterlights are all slightly off. because the longer you stay in everlost the more you forget who you are, and you can change. The leader, Jhonny-o has really huge hands. So they are captred, but then they get released. Soon they make there way to New York, were they find Miss Mary Hightower, self proclaimed queen of everlast. She is only fifteen. She takes care of many children and helps them find there "niches". Which is were a afterlight finds a pattern of living. And they do the same things day after day. Mary believes that this is rite. And she thinks that all the children are saved that come to everlost. And that going into the light is a bad thing. All the children in her care do the same thing day after day, that is until Allie, Nick and Laef come. Mary's perfect little world is      
shattered. So mary decides to send Allie, Nick, and Laef after "The Haunter." "the Haunter is a Afterlight that can alter the physical world. He can pick up things in the real world. When they get there, he tests them. they have to pic up a stone from the real world. Nick and Laef fail, so he locks them inside pickle barrels. But Allie can pick up the stone. She can also "Skinjack" people. Which means that she can posses people. She leaves the haunter and tries to find people to help save her friends. 
     So she goes and finds Jhonny-O and his gang, and they go back to find that haunter. Only to find him missing, along with the pickle barrels. They find out that the Mcgill stole them. so Allie sets of to find the Mcgill. she leaves the gang behind, and they nick-name her Allie the outcast. She finds the Mcgills ship. And tricks him into going to a place were he was defeted. And she also tricks him into letting Nick and Laef go. They go get mary's help. She comes and defeats the McGill. He returns to being a normal human, and runs away with Allie to find out how to be human again. 
      Nick and laef go with Mary. But then they find a bucket of coins that, when you hold them, if your ready you go to the light. So Nick gives all the kids coins. And then Mary finds out. she thinks that going to the light is bad. She wants every one to stay in Everlost forever.!

there are two other books in the trilogy.
Also some other good books are...
.Evermore (and all it's sequels.)

Yeah well, my computer is stupid so ignore the big void in the middle of the page...
Love and monsters! <3

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