Sunday, May 29, 2011


            First i must apologias (i don't think  spelled that right) to my oh-so-few followers. I have been Uber busy. And i have read a few books, but i didn't really want to post them since i was feeling lazy. So here are some cool recycled artsy things i did. The first thing are circles cut out of magazines. I wrote all of my favorite phrases on them... Like 'seize the day!' 'be unique' 'sometimes its the things that you don't see that make the world the way it is'. I like the last one the best since i made it up.

it looks better in real life, i just have a super crappy camera
be unique and yourself
chiseled features don't hurt either

I'm watching you
look on the bright side

Also i would like to point out that
i hate my computer because it is
really stupid. Just keep that
in mind when you read this.

the whole thing. I like it a lot.

we do not have time for this silliness!
           yeah..... so also i made a cool magazine makeup thing for my bathroom window. Also, i used Modge Podge, with is much better than glue. 

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