Thursday, June 9, 2011


Well... this will be a long post. Mostly because i have not posted for two weeks. And also possibly because i tend to take a lot of pictures. This first one is a pizza box cardboard thingy. It is much like the other one except i cut out circles that got gradually smaller until they looked sort of like a dart board. The phrase on it is 'if its popsicle its possible'. My sister wanted me to put that on there because it was a really hot day out. As you can see i got a tad carried away with the glitter and stars...

A cat has nine lives. That blue thing is a Arctic walrus with arms ears and can stand. Or at least it kind of reminds me of one. It might just be Dr. Suese character... i am not quite sure. 

 Large card board thingy again. This is similar to the other card board thing i made two posts ago. I made this one for my friend Jenna. 

you can grow flowers from were dirt used to be.

 And lastly... i would like to present my AWSOME fox pillow. It is awesome mostly because all things relating to foxes just tend to be. But also because i made it. I am super proud of it. I used my old t-shirts that i didn't want anymore. I cut out all of the pieces, then sewed them all together. The back has a tail. But my camera is about ten-thousand years old and is very stupid. I realize that it might not exactly resemble a fox, but it is close enough so just go with it.

cue dramatic music. This eye is just kind of scary.
love and foxes also monsters! <3 

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