Monday, February 28, 2011


            I do not recommend this book. First of all, it was extremely gushy. I don's mean to sound like a five year old but it was just a little to much. It was filled with phrases like "I couldn't stop dreaming about him." and "I wanted to kiss him so bad my head hurt." or "I wanted to be with him every waking moment." I almost threw up. Plus it was about werewolves. With is also a tiring subject.
            The whole book just dripping with sappy-ness. The main character, Celeste, is popular and beautiful. She ends up falling in love with this guy named Brandon who saved her from a pack of wolves during a snow storm. One of the wolves bites him and then after he kisses Celeste, he turns into a where-wolf. This somehow makes him more alluring to her and she is head-over-heals for him. Blah blah blah, they kiss more. Then people end up finding out about him, but it's not really him its Celeste's ex-boyfriend dresses up as a where-wolf. More kissing and teenage angst. Then in the end he excepts the fact that he is a monster and they kiss more. Not a very good story line.
            As it turns out, the Latin root 'where' means man, which is not a very good description of him. I think the book would have been better if there was more gore and less romance in it. It made the book seem kind of lame. Any way thats my opinion.

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